Or, at least it was.
The club has fallen on hard times. People have stopped coming and the club is nearly out of money.
And now the inspectors are talking about closing the club and knocking the building down.
Can our cast of stars put on the best Christmas party ever?
Will The Paradise Club be saved?
Our new show for Christmas 2023 was a glam-rock showstopper, with lots of singing and dancing. And bingo!
Celebrating a golden era of partying, the 1970's, the show was a roller-coaster ride of rocking fun for everyone.
The performance was so well received that we have been invited back to Leeds Playhouse to perform the
show again in their wonderful studio space The Bramall Rock Void, for three shows in December 2024.
“The Paradise Club was the second show I saw performed at Leeds Playhouse by Bright Sparks. The show’s quality, energy and overwhelming sense of joy was infectious, and exactly the kind of thing we want to share with our audiences. I am delighted to include two Bright Sparks shows in our 2024 studio programming, and to for Leeds Playhouse and Bright Sparks to work together as partners to serve local artists and local audiences."
- Rio Matchett (Furnace Producer – Leeds Playhouse) - January 2024
The Paradise Club - rehearsals (2023)