“Changing expectations and helping people to achieve their potential.”
About Us
Since 2012, Bright Sparks Theatre Arts have been delivering inclusive individual-centred drama projects in the Leeds area, working with people with learning disabilities, complex needs and autism. We create new original theatre, including two large-scale shows per year. We also design, organise and deliver applied drama projects for schools and communication workshops for university medical education.
We see so many positive outcomes from the work we do. From growing confidence, tapping into unrealised talents and helping individuals achieve their potential; to connecting communities and creating new learning experiences for our participants. Our regular 'Big Drama Club' is at the centre of our activities.
"At Bright Sparks we assume everyone has a story to tell and everyone should have the resources and space to tell that story."
John Hudson - Artistic Director
Big Drama Club
Running since 2013, ‘Big Drama Club’ brings people together to make a show. Working as a group, we start with drama games, acting training and storytelling. Over time, a full-scale original show is devised and rehearsed; and finally performed at stage@leeds (and sometimes beyond!)
All our previous Big Drama Club shows can be found on our timeline.
We work hard to ensure that everyone has a part to play, both onstage and off; and that all people can share their ideas and be heard. Countless times, audience members tell us how impressed and moved they are, seeing the participants' talents shine through (#abilitiesnotdisabilities remember!) and how they are empowered by working in a professional theatre environment.
"It totally exceeded my expectations. Look, I've got goose-bumps just thinking about it!"
Rebecca Spoors - Aspire CBS Centre Manager
The Big Drama Club won the Aspire CBS customer award in 2019 for Best Creative Project (Return of the King).
Life In The Cloud
The global Covid pandemic saw a swift move to online life for many members of the learning disabled community.
During 2020-21 Bright Sparks delivered a range of weekly online activities (on Bright Sparks' Zoom) to keep people connected, inventive and entertained. When demand dictates, we employ this style of drama delivery as needed. This online service offers support to individuals, day services, families and carers shared creative group work, to help to improve mental well-being and tackle feelings of isolation. Meeting together on zoom, we play drama games (chosen and adapted to work online) that create a light-hearted playful atmosphere, allowing participants to have fun and share stories.
In 2020, to compliment our zoom drama sessions, we launched our YouTube series, "Bite Size Drama". These short interactive films enable people to access our drama activities at a time and place that suits them.
In 2021 (as an alternative to our usual drama style activities) we also created Lockdown Breakout (also delivered on Zoom), a fantasy adventure story game where the group use their imaginations to go on quests, defeat monsters and collect treasure.
“I don’t want these sessions to ever end.”
Louise - Participant
"Absolutely awesome."
Sapphire - Participant
Commitment to Play
The Commitment to Play Initiative is an open invitation to anyone studying medical practice, social care or the arts to participate in our drama. We run one day drama sessions, in which Bright Sparks visit the students at their place of study, placing the adults with learning disabilities in the role of teachers. We get the students up on their feet (and out of their comfort zones) to play drama games and create theatrical scenes and stories with the group.
For students who are able to commit to more involvement, we have an open-door policy to join our rehearsals and performances. This has seen many students performing on stage in our Big Drama Club productions. These experiences help to significantly develop the students' empathy, providing direct learning that they will take through into their professional career.
Medical students from the University of Leeds talk about their experience [click here for video interview].
"I learnt to relax and appreciate non-conventional ways of communicating. Wonderful."
Sam - Student participant
Teacher Training (EYTS)
We deliver half day workshops to early years schoolteachers and teachers who are in training exploring how drama and role play improves communication in young children.
We explore practical ways to implement acting and role-play and make it accessible for all participants. This is presented in an interactive and fun way, helping to involve students who might not normally engage in drama.
The workshops illustrate different tools and games which offer a practical insight into the benefits of using drama in an educational setting.
“Bright Sparks use of drama is accessible for all participants, regardless of previous experience, language or ability. In practice this means that everyone is equal during sessions.”
“The workshop was brilliant. It enlightened how communication can be verbal or physical and its importance to allow both during learning. I can see how this will improve my students' abilities in other subject areas."
(it's a pleasure working with you)
Bright Sparks Theatre Arts is a Community Interest Company
Please click here to view our company structure and policy documents.