“Wheear ‘ast tha bin sin’ ah saw thee?” ... On the beach? In the jungle? In Kirgate market buying sausages?

‘New Beginnings’ was our own devised version of the history of Leeds, going back to the very beginning with the big bang! (Thanks William, great idea that!) In a very Bright Sparks way, with our “Three D’s” rule; democracy, diplomacy and dignity, we devised a show with new and returning customers from Aspire CBS (Community Benefit Society).

We traveled in time, walked with dinosaurs, and saw the rocks form planets, and spent time in the ‘green and pleasant land’. The Yorkshire cavemen were a highlight, complete with furs and flat caps, gathered around a fire, trying to get warm. Leeds will certainly never look the same again, not once you have seen a T-Rex stomping down Briggate! Performed at stage@leeds, University of Leeds, this mini epic was our first of many productions at this venue and was the start of our ongoing partnership.

“Bright Sparks projects allow our customers to be their own individual person. They work so hard to make sure everyone has an opportunity to shine.”

Carol Hanson - Aspire CBS Senior Support Worker

"I went to see 'New Beginnings' by Bright Sparks and as I sat watching the play about the cosmos, cavemen and Leeds, I suddenly realised that I was watching unity being played out on stage. The actors, carers and performers were all one, just one body of people that were all the same. Not one person was being treated any differently than the other."

Audience member

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